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Acupuncture has been used to successfully diagnose, treat and prevent illness and disease for over 2,000 years. It promotes overall well-being, relieves pain, improves organ function, and strengthens the body’s natural defences.
Acupuncture treatments for headaches are safe, effective and non-invasive. We use a tailor-made combination of points to target the root cause of your headaches and provide long-lasting relief.
Our acupuncture treatments for chronic pain are designed to help manage the pain naturally, without the use of medications, which often cause unwanted and unpleasant side effects. Depending on the cause of the pain, whether it be from trauma, an excess or deficient condition, or imbalance between organs; diagnosis will lead to the correct treatment protocol being applied and pain will be managed effectively.
Stress and anxiety can take a toll on your physical and mental health, often leading to loss of sleep, impaired mental clarity, physical functionality and tension. Acupuncture paired with a guided meditation will help to reduce your stress and promote relaxation, allowing you to feel calmer and more at ease. This will provide you with the necessary tools to get on with your day happily and more productively.
Insomnia is like a torture and can really take it's toll on a person quite quickly if left untreated. If you're struggling with a sleep disorder, acupuncture can help. We use a combination of specific points and techniques to help you relax and fall asleep more easily, without the need for medication. Depending on your sleep issue and what time of the night it occurs, we'll be able to diagnose and restore the imbalance within a few sessions.
Acupuncture treatments for digestive issues are designed to help improve digestion and reduce symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. I use a combination of acupuncture and dietary and lifestyle recommendations to help you feel so much better. Within a short period of time your energy levels will increase, bowel movements corrected and you can begin to lead a more vibrant life!
Acupuncture can help with a range of issues, including menstrual cramps, PMS, endometriosis, painful periods, prolapse, menopause symptoms, and fertility. Our focus is to provide personalised care that targets your specific needs and where you are at in life.
Made popular by celebrities in recent years, cupping therapy is currently enjoying a huge revival.
Cups are attached to the body directly over the areas of pain, swelling or stiffness and left in position for a short period of time.
Moving cupping is a unique form of deep tissue massage which can be deeply relaxing. Moving cupping may help improve muscular aches and stiffness.
Light-medium vacuum pressure is applied so that the cup can be moved across the surface of the skin without breaking suction.
Circular movements, or linear motions which follow the natural alignment of key muscle groups, are typically used